


TVT offers a multitude of opportunities for students to become involved and have a voice in the school community.  Through their actions students shape school culture based on our core values

解析:选C善行,Tzedek, 更美好, all students at TVT are offered opportunities to give back to the community.  



  • 社区服务

    Our youngest students begin their community service journey by understanding that we each have a responsibility towards one another.  Whether that is by creating cards for nursing home residents, 或者为食物募捐捐款, they begin to develop compassion for the community around them.  Each grade adopts a theme for community service, dedicating time to learning about the topic, 创建一个tikkun olam项目, 并就这个问题教育他们的同龄人.  
    TK/K – disability (students with learning differences)
    1 -长者
    2 -动物
    3 -环境
    4 -饥饿
    5 – disease (supporting children with illnesses)
  • 领导选修

    Our youngest leaders begin their journey with the leadership elective meeting twice a week to develop their emerging leadership skills and plan community-building activities for their lower school peers.  Taking on responsibilities to benefit the community is a relatively new experience for our fourth and fifth graders.  The leadership elective offers them the opportunity to plan, execute and reflect upon engaging programming. 
  • 学生俱乐部

    较低的学校 students have the opportunity to join lunchtime clubs, such as Dancing & Drawing, LEGO Building, Origami, Mensch Makers.



  • 社区服务

    The lessons learned in 较低的学校 continue to develop in 中学.  Students are able to look outward and determine the needs of the world around them.  和普珥节一起, 我们六年级的学生会举办犹太节, sharing an organization they’ve researched and giving their older and younger peers an opportunity to donate to that organization.  第二年, 7th graders spend their B'nai Mitzvah year focused on a philanthropy project in lieu of a class gift.
  • 领导阶层

    It is a common misconception that 中学 students can't be community leaders. 有意识地学习, 中学ers can learn that leadership is not bossing people around, 而是以身作则的能力, 把事情做好, stretch themselves to do uncomfortable things like oral presentations, communicate effectively with their peers. 中间 school leadership is an elective class which is open for any middle school student who’d like to enroll.   The class meets regularly with the goals of teaching leadership skills through practice and preparing students for high school leadership experiences. Students are given opportunities to highlight their strengths and stretch areas of challenge throughout the entire year by participating in planning and implementing town hall meetings, 更新内部学生生活页面, 集思广益的编程想法, 举几个例子.
  • 学生俱乐部

    中间 and 上学校 students have access to a robust roster of student-led clubs.

    Clubs have been created by students who were interested in sharing their love of something with other people. Each club happens every other week, on a Tuesday, during CoRE time. 

    Offerings in previous years include Baking, Art, Astronomy, Engineering.



  • 助理秘书长(学生团体)

    9-12年级的学生组成了我们的ASB.  选举和任命的成员每周开会一次, seeking to create positive school culture through various activities such as spirit days and dances.  The ASB is also responsible for leading weekly town hall meetings with topics varying from current events to social issues to fun games promoting grade bonding.  ASB还监督学生俱乐部, 确保俱乐部是向上的, 运行, 和成功, is the conduit for communicating club meetings and other offerings on campus. Our ASB members continue developing their leadership skills by listening to their peers’ needs and determining the best way to implement changes that will enrich the upper school community.  
  • 社区服务

    等他们上高中的时候, our students have had numerous hands-on and educational programs designed to deepen their understanding of the responsibility they have towards the larger community.  Students are required to complete 100 hours of community service during the course of 9th-12th grade, with many going above and beyond the requirement.  一些高中俱乐部, 学生组织,  focus on bettering the community through service projects.  Many of the end-of-yeartrips have a community service component, including the Poland/Israel trip where 11th graders work with Israeli children with disabilities.  
  • The last weeks of 9th and 10th grade are devoted to our immersion program.  Leaving the traditional classroom and embarking on a fully immersive experience offers students the opportunity to challenge themselves and gain skills they may not otherwise have encountered.  Topics of immersion vary from culinary skills to domestic and international service trips.  These weeks are a student and faculty favorite, as they allow for exploration of a specific topic of interest.  在整个浸入过程中, 参与者可以接触到新的想法, 令人兴奋的经历, 还有一种不同的学习方式.  在浸泡的最后, 每组向其他组展示, allowing everyone to gain from their experiences.  
  • 学生俱乐部

    中间 and 上学校 students have access to a robust roster of student-led clubs.

    Offerings in previous years include VEX Robotics, 国民健康保险制度, CTeen, 奈美, 健康委员会, 首席执行官连接, 环保协会, 和科学奥林匹克竞赛.
TVT Community Day School is a TK-12 Independent Community Day School in Irvine, CA
Founded in Loving Memory of Naomi Gelman Weiss